Aphra Marine® team is a dedicated group of individuals committed to technological advances of American marine industry. Our goal is to provide software solutions to support tug and barge companies, thus helping them generate more business and increase efficiency.

With extensive domestic and international maritime trade and software development experience, we offer custom-made software solutions for your company’s particular needs.


As a first step, we study your market and business niche, and provide a product with flexibility to customize and modify along the design process and beyond. This barge-specific software maximizes efficiency through eliminating calculation processing times and minimizes errors.

We understand the importance of accountability and responsibility that our mariners face, whether pertaining US Coast Guard compliance requirements or providing the most recent commercial cargo information to shore side support. Our custom software solutions will address these challenges and more.

Macrogauger ® is based on a patent pending computer code that minimizes product loss or errors in cargo calculations, making the process easy, flexible and adjustable. Final result is a user friendly software application that meets your company’s needs.

Our 24/7 Tech support is always a click or phone call away to assist with troubleshooting.

Thank you for visiting our website and we are looking forward to doing business with you.