Macrogauger ® software assists tank barge personnel to
• Calculate amounts of products onboard
• Determine stop gauges for amounts loaded/discharged
• Report documentation to company’s server for instant access to information

The software incorporates your barge-specific information which includes but is not limited to:
• Ullage tables
• Trim correction factors
• Vessel load line restrictions
• Terminals and vessels frequently visited
• Company PIC list of authorized users
• Safe maximum gauges set by the operations and safety

Unique features include auto-fill and sub-menus to eliminate extra typing and redundancy of arithmetical calculations. This will cut down time and reduce stress on barge personnel. The program includes three modules of Load, Discharge and OBQ, and a comprehensive Help file for useful tips and hints. Macrogauger® incorporates necessary factors such as API T13 and Table 6B for accurate conversions covering a wide range of US Imperial, International Metric and volumetric systems.

Our product is based on a patent pending computer code that minimizes product loss or errors in cargo calculations, making the process easy, flexible, and adjustable.

Our 24/7 Tech support is always a click or phone call away to assist with troubleshooting.

Ready to learn more? Please contact us for Macrogauger ® sneak peak.
